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jessencraigs 04-02-2010 09:11 AM

All about Stabbing Back Pain : causes and treatments

Back Pain is the sudden involuntary shooting pain felt by a person in the lower back of the body usually in the area around the lower spinal chord and the tail bone. The pain normally originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or any other structure surrounding the spine. The spine is made up of many bones called vertebrae. These vertebrae are like a disc as it is almost rounded in shape. Again, these discs are made up of rubber like strong tissue such that they can be bent with slight flexibility by the voluntary movement of the muscles of the body. Besides, there are strong ligaments that support the spine and give it the needed strength to support the weight of the human body. Yet within this complex arrangement the body at times is unable to respond to the exertion caused on it and gives off shooting pain that may radiate to different parts of the body like the neck, upper back, lower back, thighs and legs.


There may be several causes for back pain to incur on a human body. They may arise out of sports injury, heavy exertion by lifting weights or doing unusually hard physical work or by remaining in a sedentary position for along while at home or at ones work place. Even bad habits like the incorrect use of chair or furniture for sitting or sleeping, long rides in motor vehicles or excessive use of undulating surfaces for sitting and sleeping and continued use of spongy surfaces, exposure to cold or heat or injury resulting out of a fall, fight or thwarting an attack. Apart from these back pain may occur due to natural deformities in the bone structure, degeneration of the disc, weak muscles or lack of balanced diet and excessive weight of the body.

rickykalis3 11-01-2010 09:50 AM

Deep pain in the torso can be a symptom of a serious health problem. Be a full investigation to all chronic severe stabbing pain, a potentially life-threatening stabbing condition.A lower back pain likely to end up quite a list of things can be inspired by it, to ensure that a certified A proper diagnosis of some form of professional treatment is necessary before beginning.

petterharry5 11-03-2010 09:16 AM

A stabbing lower back pain can be motivated by quite a list of things and this is a certified doctor for a proper diagnosis before beginning treatment.Many patients required some form of painful symptoms as their main describes a condition of recurring back pain stabbing. Localized deep stab stab wound to the notion of a feather arms shows similar pain.

ronnyjack9 11-14-2010 06:50 AM

Many patients as their main painful symptoms describe a condition of recurring back pain stabbing. Involuntary sudden shooting pain back pain and tail bone around the spinal chord in the lower part of body usually felt by a person. Some of the original neuropathic pain, while others have nociceptive pain. The pain to know because different treatments work better for each type is important.

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