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ammulu 01-11-2008 10:12 PM

Do they really work?
I have seen many of the creams or pills that say they would surely be helpful in weight loss, do anyone believe so or is it not? They even say that exercising and diet to some extent are a must for the pills or creams to work.

MrsH 01-12-2008 08:53 AM

I believe some of these pills and creams as you are referring to do work as a quick fix. For example one of my co-worker tried a shake diet and she did lose some weight. However. Using these things do not change you lifestyle, so as soon as you stop using them you will most likely gain weight again. So even though doing the old fashion way (diet and exercise)takes much longer it is the only way to change your lifestyle and make sure the weight stay of.

SageMother 01-12-2008 07:41 PM

Pills that speed up metabolism, or dehydrate the user, work as temporary weight loss measures and may be the perfect way to begin a weight loss program, but you really need to change how you eat permanently to keep weight off.

I have yet to see any cream that works for weight loss.

ammulu 01-13-2008 04:52 AM

My cousin tried out Slim-Fast pills but that isn't of great help and she still seems to be the same to look at, may be she needs to exercise as well as eat less to really lose weight.

MrsH 01-13-2008 06:39 AM

I am a bit worried about what all these stuff does to your body. I have heard of one pill that makes you 'poop' oil and well it just sounds gross and not very healthy. I think I prefer to eat better and more healthy over taking pills.

Jewel 01-13-2008 07:39 AM

I think that certain pills are a good temporary fix, but nothing that is going to work forever. My mom used TrimSpa for a while, and that did nothing for her. Now she drinks Slim Fast (didn't know they had pills) and that is working for her. I haven't heard of the creams though.

SageMother 01-13-2008 02:31 PM

Trim Spa was sued for making false claims, so there was something wrong with their formulation. Pills are great for people with tight schedules or who need to address their weight issues immediately with an eye toward shifting to more "natural" means.

ammulu 01-13-2008 03:22 PM

My cousin found the pills in the mall, I am not sure where but I never knew about the drinks. How about the television ads where they say they would provide with some diet food on weekly basis to lose weight, did anyone try those out?

baldmonkee 01-13-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by SageMother (Post 157)
Trim Spa was sued for making false claims, so there was something wrong with their formulation. Pills are great for people with tight schedules or who need to address their weight issues immedeiately with an eye toward shifting to more "natural" means.

That pill that advertises that it gets rid of "belly fat" by lowering the hormone Cortisol was also sued for making false claims. I think if possible, people should tried and avoid anything that sounds too good to be true, because it probably is. In my opinion, to truly be healthy and reach your weight loss goals you need to make a total lifestyle change.

debrajean 01-20-2008 10:36 PM

I agree a lifestyle change in how you look at food and how you eat it is the staple in a lifelong weight loss. In the past I've tried diet pills (dexatrim b4 it was banned) and I did lose upwards of 25 to 30 lbs. But it was all gained back when I stopped taking them. And while on them, I suffered from severe lightheadness, moodiness, heart palpitations and jitters. Diet pills, although a quick fix for some, are not a long term solution.

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