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tater03 01-24-2008 08:48 PM

Thanks, I had never tried them. I guess I won't waste my money. I hate viral codes. They seem to be the worst ones to get rid of in that they take so long to work there way through.

MrsH 01-25-2008 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by SageMother (Post 348)
As far as I can tell, zinc doesn't change the duration of a cold. The virus has to run its course.

yeah I am sure you are right, but it gives some relief so it feels like it clears up faster.

fiona 01-28-2008 05:56 AM

For stomache aches and indigestion, I boil ginger root in hot water, lightly sweeten it with Stevia Leaf or you can use regular sugar if you prefer. I will drink that elixir a few times a day. I also drink it when I do not have a stomach ache so that I will not have any problems in the future.

Another way is drinking ginger ale to help out the problem, however I have found that I have problems with the carbonation so I stick with the tea.

emsy99 02-06-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by MrsH (Post 261)
Do you have any natural remedies you use when you get sick?

I have one I use when I get a sore throat and a cough

In a cup or mug:

Juice of 1/2 lemon
2-3 spoons of sugar

fill up with boiling water.

Drink while hot. It should taste sour, but not so sour that you can not drink it. Add more sugar if needed. Apart from help your throat because it is a hot drink, the lemon sort of 'coat' your throat and it feels much better.

I do this too but add whisky to mine!!(also called a hot toddy) cetainly takes the edge off if I'm feeling a bit under the weather!!

tater03 02-06-2008 10:23 PM

I could have used this yesterday. I had the stomach flu and would have loved to try something that might have helped. I will have to remember this one for the next time.

fiona 02-11-2008 05:57 AM

These are great natural remedies and I would love to hear about any more that any of you have.

shane90 07-01-2010 06:00 AM

There are bags of combination that affluence the affection of common, almost balmy viral attacks. Even with affection advised it is important to bethink to stop and get rest. Of all the "natural" remedies, blow is the one that is generally ignored.

princehallowen 11-04-2010 06:09 PM

For natural remedies the kitchen is a good place to start. It has almost all the medicines you need at least possible to treat common diseases. All without cost or negligible, purity, without side effects and dollops of TLC . Too good to be true? Well, it just a little awareness and understanding you need to make the most of it. Read a little about the natural resources to equip yourself to face a strange infant with colic and diarrhea.

khanasrar67 01-31-2011 10:10 AM

Strep throat: Sage and chamomile tea are best natural remedies for strep throat. While the analgesic properties of chamomile tea provide rapid relief to the throat pain and headaches as well as reduce fever and prevent dehydration, sage has the ability to reduce inflammation and protect soft tissues of the throat and the respiratory system. These are very strong and natural remedies.

lav.katherine 07-31-2012 10:09 AM

Nice tips
hmm nice combination,

when you got sick and got cough then take 1 spoon honey in boil cup of water and then drink it and don't take anything else after ward(mostly best time is at night) it will help in stopping cough ASAP.
When you got constipation.
Take fruits and warm milk
When you got flue or pain in chest take 1 spoon honey sprinkle a tip of black paper and take it this will help in slowing down of pain and flue
When you got head ache
Take cinnamon tea or just chew a piece
When you got body pain take a warm bath and take a massage and then take ginger , black paper, Cinnamon tea

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