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baldmonkee 01-29-2008 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by fiona (Post 424)
My favourite exercises to do are Yoga, Pilates which I am able to do anywhere that I like. With Yoga I am also able to do relaxation techniques to help me stay focused, centered and keep my stress low. I also love to dance and it is fun as well.

There's a class at the gym that my wife goes to that's a combination of yoga and pilates, she really loves it

debrajean 02-06-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by fiona (Post 424)
My favourite exercises to do are Yoga, Pilates which I am able to do anywhere that I like. With Yoga I am also able to do relaxation techniques to help me stay focused, centered and keep my stress low. I also love to dance and it is fun as well.

I'm finding I really enjoy yoga and pilates as well. The stretches and poses really seem to help out with my tense muscles and I feel more relaxed after doing them. Although I don't feel as though I've gotten as good a workout as opposed to lifting weights or running.

Jewel 02-10-2008 03:10 AM

I love to do abdominal exercises. I hear that crunches are not as effecive as they were once thought to be, but I love to do them. Push ups are surprisingly another one of my favorites.

fiona 02-11-2008 05:45 AM

I am not able to lift weights and such due to a pain condition that I have so the Yoga and Pilates have been really helpful to strengthening me and I do not have the intense pain after each workout. I do some minimal strength training, and low number weight lifting.


Originally Posted by debrajean (Post 564)
I'm finding I really enjoy yoga and pilates as well. The stretches and poses really seem to help out with my tense muscles and I feel more relaxed after doing them. Although I don't feel as though I've gotten as good a workout as opposed to lifting weights or running.

harrywatson66 05-25-2010 09:59 AM

Well my favorite exercises is my Zumba party. It really works I have lost 96 pounds in 15 months with zumba. I weighted 226 pounds when I started Zumba. I loved it so much I am now a zumba instructor. I do not watch what I eat! I has changed my life.

rifyraina 06-29-2010 07:28 AM

yoga clothing
My favorite exercise to do are
Pullups & Chinups

melvillebutler 08-05-2010 09:21 AM

I have all the equipments of the gym. I am still follow the push up , sit up , running , yoga. Although mine favorites. I hope that I will start weight lifting as well .

jackjollyy 09-27-2010 06:38 AM

Exercise is good for our health, My favourite exercise is yoga, Yoga is the best for maintain our body and and there are lots of benefits, this is my personal experiences, It will give us flexible body.

richardaliden 10-11-2010 10:53 AM

Walking is my favorite exercise, walking for days over an hour, or listen to music or just feel better after both the body and mind. and Its great help to me this exercise.

albertamosh 10-12-2010 06:13 AM

My favourite Exercise that i like to dot it:->
4)Yoga and Medication,
5)Push up......

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