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simoncolias 09-20-2010 09:55 AM

I love watching dance. The word primitive art so beautiful One day I went to a convention and there were some dancers go into the crowd. One stayed with me and asked me to dance with her. Yes right. She was so soft that it almost seemed that was broken and I was so broke he could inflexible. It was a great artist and very sensual. What an incredible form of self expression and beauty.

rashidrayenz 10-05-2010 06:57 AM

Several leading research centers touted the benefits of physical fitness, social dance. For example, the Mayo Clinic report is not only a great fun to dance and socialize, but also provides many health benefits that way. Dance 30 minutes continuously, and you 200-400 calories, walking, swimming or cycling will be the same as the bum.

alphonsoalva 10-06-2010 07:57 PM

Dancing is an good exercise and the perfect example to exercise your entire body like from head up to your legs that includes hand,stomach,face,chest etc.....

cube12ic 10-25-2010 05:33 AM

I think that dancing would be the easiest and funniest way to lose weight, it is due to the fact that you can do it anywhere and any time and it just will not feel like working . An important factor to remember, however, does not drink, because all of your dances have been unsuccessful.

kevinjones 10-25-2010 09:01 AM

Several leading research centers have touted the physical fitness benefits of social dancing. If weight loss is a priority, choose a belly-dancing teacher who keeps you moving continuously throughout the class. In addition, dancing relieves tension and stress, improves your mood and serves as an outlet for your creativity.

alvinmory 10-26-2010 12:41 PM

I will try a belly dancing next week! I agree that to lose weight, you need to build cardio to burn fat and muscle and belly dancing, without even a difficult class, he can not. But it seems like a great compliment to an exercise regime to give life.I also have pain in lower back and all that limbers in this area really helps me feel better and function better.

deanherald 10-28-2010 02:29 PM

Dancing is not only fun and a great way to blend into society and mingle But it is also a great way to stay fit in the body. Exercise is not necessarily the most tedious task, especially when you can dance your way to health.

lakirarodricks 10-29-2010 06:57 AM

I believe that dance should be the easiest and most convenient way to lose weight, this is simply because it can be done anytime, anywhere, just do not seem to work. An important factor to remember, however, do not drink, because all the dancing would be wasted.

danielbrown 11-04-2010 04:56 PM

Well, it is an interesting to knew about the dancing exercise. I like to do the dancing as the exercise. But by your stuff I can knew the new idea as the dancing aerobics. I am really appreciated for your valuable information.

ronnyjack9 11-14-2010 06:46 AM

Several leading research centers touted the benefits of physical fitness, social dance. Dancing is also a good way to unwind. People to relax and relieve the pressure of daily business and operations may be trying to find the stresses.Recovering dancing. Prescribed exercise and physical therapy often are a part of the movement.

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