View Full Version : Skip

02-04-2008, 02:13 AM
Why can't you skip a meal if you take a vitamin daily and eat very healthy?

I say this because I actually dont eat breakfast most of the time.
Bad too because its the "most important meal".
The fact is I don't have time!
I make my cappuccino in the morning (i got this cool espresso maker for xmas so I dont go a day with out! :D) along with a womens or prenatal vitamin (i like how pretty it makes my hair nails and skin) and i'll (if im hungry) take a banana with me.
Sometimes I even skip lunch--I might just have a diet cherry pepsi and plain/nonbuttered popcorn if im hungry. Most times tho I'll have a peanut butter sandwich for lunch or soup.
Dinner is when I actually do get a good meal in.
I don't snack.
My husbands diabetic so we dont have anything "bad" in the house lol
So really whats the big deal with skipping if you do fill the void with semi nutritious things.

02-04-2008, 09:44 PM
If your plan is working for you then there probably is no reason to change. If you blood tests aren't showing any deficiencies then there is probably no problem.

When did you last have a blood test?

Something to be aware of, though, is the load a prenatal vitamin might place on liver and kidneys. The extra minerals can lead to so me problems later in life. I don't know what the amino acids are like in the vitamin you take, but gout can develop if protein, converted to uric acid, builds up in joints, if I remember correctly

02-04-2008, 09:48 PM
As far as I know, eating a healthy breakfast in the morning is supposed to refuel your body, after a long night without eating. Having something nutritious is important because the body cannot use everything, so if it's empty calories then the body will just pass it out as is.

02-05-2008, 10:14 AM
I used to eat like that. Nothing for breakfast, close to nothing for lunch and just big dinner. I was doing oki and was pretty skinny too. But it most have caused some sort of problems in my body. I have problem with my bowls now so I need to eat regularly or everything get funky. I still feel like eating more at night then during the day, but I'm working on changing that. I have also noticed that my body is not as slim anymore, so its probably about time I do something.

02-05-2008, 04:46 PM
The body passes "bulk" through without change but calories don't behave the same way, empty or not. "Empty" usually refers to calories that don't go for muscle or immediate fuel but are stored as fat.

Even processed sugar, which is one of the common sources for empty calories, gets processed through several cellular reactions, beginning with its being broken down by insulin, and stored if it can't be burned.

If empty caloires passed on through, no one would ever be overweight.

02-05-2008, 05:31 PM
I prefer a timely and regular healthy food or diet and cannot miss out a breakfast, lunch or dinner at any cost. It might not be on time but I cannot miss it on the whole. I usually have all healthy home made cooked food. It really boosts me from inside, if I skip any one I am dull and tired for the rest of the day and night. It all depends on the body of the person, if there isn't any problem with a skip for you then it should be perfect until there isn't any other health related problems too.

02-05-2008, 11:36 PM
I used to eat no breakfast and then no lunch. My problem was when I did that I was more tired and found myself eating way to much at dinner and at night.

02-06-2008, 09:43 PM
I definitely think eating something at least 3 times a day ( preferably more) makes you feel better/ healthier in yourself. I sometimes skip my evening meal if I have to work late and I really don't think it does me any good.

02-06-2008, 10:05 PM
Eating breakfast gets your metabolism going and we all know a high metabolism is what's supposed to burn off calories. But, if you feel healthy and you are healthy, then I guess what works for you is the way to go.

02-11-2008, 05:25 AM
I think that with skipping a meal will always come back to bite you in the backside sometime that day or in the week. I know that breakfast is an important meal to have. I do have breakfast but it not a huge amount of food.

02-11-2008, 11:09 PM
My doctor said it is not good to skip meals, and all so said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I try to eat three good meals a day. But I was never good at eating breakfast, so that is the meal that is the hardest meal to eat.

02-11-2008, 11:10 PM
Actually, breakfast is just the first meal of the day. It could be the only one, just as it could be roast beef and potatoes at 8 pm!

02-14-2008, 10:29 PM
I don't know I just find I have so much more energy when I eat breakfast. I don't eat a real big one but I try to get some fruit or yogurt in me before I leave the house.

02-14-2008, 11:01 PM
I'm trying to lose weight, and my doctor told me that skipping meals could slow down my metabolism and make the weight loss more difficult. That was all I needed to hear to convince me to eat several small, healthy meals instead of one big one.

But if your weight is fine and you're feeling good, why change what's working? Dietary "rules" are fine as far as they go, but in the end you have to do what works for you.